12 Month Old Sleep Suggestions
The three bed biggies for your baby at the 12-months stage are:
Their nap times might need tweaking.
They might be ready to transition to one nap.
Their physical development is in overdrive and many start walking around this time!
My top sleep suggestions at 12-months old are:
If they’re ready to transition to one nap give them time.
If they’re limping towards lunchtime and can’t quite make it start with a nap at 11/11.30 am ish and slowly nudge it later by 10 mins every 2-3 days.
Avoid the post 3pm danger doze IF you can. But if they need a nap in the afternoon or fall asleep, 20-30 mins is unlikely to break the bed bank.
Bedtime might need adjusting. If they’re on two naps (very age appropriate!) it might need pushing slightly later. But if they’re on one nap, it might need bringing slightly earlier.
If they start childcare, their bedtime routine might need tweaking. Time together is super important but if they’re super tired feel free to speed up the routine.
Give them plenty of time to practice their new physical skills during the day.
And, a reminder that it’s normal (but knackering ) for them to want to practice these at night too