Frequent Wake Ups Can Be A Red Flag

I’m always honest that I’m NOT medically qualified, and it’s really important that I stay in my scope of practice. So this blog is NOT about giving you any medical advice or diagnosing anything.

There can be many reasons why your Small is waking frequently at night, but if they’re waking up super frequently it COULD be a red flag that there’s an underlying issue disturbing their sleep.

I know they really might not be giving you this impression right now, but they don’t want to be awake and disturbed multiple times any more than you do. Which is why there’s often a lot of frustration, anger and upset from them when they do!

What are the red flags when infants frequently wakes through the night?

I always look for:

  1. Reflux

  2. Allergies

  3. Snoring

  4. Mouth breathing

Again I want to be very clear that I’m not saying your Small is waking up frequently because of any of the above, or any medical issue. There are many other reasons why they may wake frequently. I’ve seen overtired, under tired, bedtime boundaries and many other reasons causing frequent wake-ups all night long in practice too!

But there’s nothing like your parental instincts and if you have:

  • A niggle that there’s something disturbing their sleep

  • A feeling that they’re in pain or discomfort when they wake

  • Heard them snore regularly and when they don’t have a cold

  • Seen them sleep with their mouth open regularly

It’s always worth checking in with your medical team and ruling out any red flags before making any bigger changes to their sleep.



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