Sleep suggestions for your baby’s fourth month mark
It’s totally normal for your baby’s sleep to be up and down (erratic!) around the four-month progression.
But of course knowing this doesn’t make it ANY less tough or tiring for you both, or stop you from getting into that 3am scroll hole searching for the secret to sleep.
I know it doesn’t always feel like it, and your baby might not be giving you this impression, but this transition is usually temporary, and like most things baby and sleep related, this too shall pass.
in the meantime, here’s 4 sleep suggestions to support you both through the four month progression:
Don’t worry where the naps are happening. The most important thing at this stage is getting some nap time during the day. It’s hard not to worry where, but try to prioritise this.
They might be a little bit more tired during the day and at sleep times. Try to stick to their usual nap and bedtimes (if they have them!) if you can. It’s always ok to bring them earlier if needed, but generally, I’d suggest only doing this by 15/30 mins max.
It’s always ok to support them to sleep, but they may need more support at this stage and that’s ok. My only suggestion would be to try and keep this support as simple as possible. Try to stick to one thing IF you can, but if they need more, aim to be consistent with what that thing is!
Try to give them the practice to put themselves back to sleep when they wake at night. If they wake up and are emotionally easy (not crying/upset!) pause and give them a little patience to see if they go back to sleep.